Sint-Laureins (2019.I.002)

Aquafin - AWV - Sint-Laureins
Sewer and Road Infrastructure Work
Estimated Value
€ 6.100.000
Year of Completion
2019 - 2021
View on Aclagro


The project involved the comprehensive development of various infrastructure elements. A separated sewage system with diameters ranging from 250 to 900 was installed, and a pumping station with a pressurized pipeline of diam. 315 was constructed. The main regional road was outfitted with curbstones and edge strips using slipforming. The roadway and bicycle path were paved with asphalt. The town center of Sint-Laureins was paved with natural stone, including a decorative patterned concrete road. As part of the project commissioned by Sint-Laureins, two fountains were also built.

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